As our country continues in its worst economic crisis in decades, causing millions to go jobless; as an earthquake tears down the already impoverished country of Haiti; as our churches increasingly seek to counsel those undergoing sexual struggles — are you and your church equipped to respond?
The 2010 Mercy Ministry Conference Enriching the Kingdom: The Gospel in a Broken World, sponsored by Christian Education and Publications and Mission to North America of the Presbyterian Church in America is the perfect place to learn about what you and your church can be doing to reach out in those with need.
Whether it be persons with disabilities, the jobless and homeless, those who have lost loved ones; or whether you simply would like to establish a biblical foundation for doing mercy ministry, the 2010 Mercy Ministry Conference covers it all!
Connect with others involved in the ministry by joining us March 11-13 at New City Fellowship, a church that is known for its outreach to the city of Chattanooga.