The four issues (Standing Judicial Commission, the Role of Women, Views on Creation, and the Insider Movements Study Report) were chosen because of the level of discussion and number of overtures these topics have generated. We are not advocating for or against any particular overture.
Dear PCA Brothers of Good Will, Whatever Stripe or Tribe:
Here are some clarifying comments of what to expect at the Evening of Confessional Concern and Prayer at the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in America. It will meet on Monday, June 16 in Grand Ballroom J at the Hilton Americas Conference Center at 7:00 p.m.
I can speak with some measure of knowledge and authority regarding this meeting, since I am one of the original two (then four) who put this together. Here are some of the significant desires for this meeting:
- Our chief desire is to cry out to God in prayer on behalf of the PCA.
- We are not beginning another organization to influence the PCA, akin to Concerned Presbyterians in the PCA’s early days. There will be no membership, continuing official conversation, blogs, or email discussion groups.
- There will be no open microphone. We are asking four well-respected men, knowledgeable in these respective areas, to speak. Our speakers do not agree on everything and will be given an opportunity to respond.
- The four issues (Standing Judicial Commission, the Role of Women, Views on Creation, and the Insider Movements Study Report) were chosen because of the level of discussion and number of overtures these topics have generated. We are not advocating for or against any particular overture. We realize men of goodwill may disagree on the overtures, and likely those who put this together and who speak will disagree on whether the overtures best address the matters at hand. We simply desire to get commissioners to think these issues through, and make up their own mind.
- Our desire is to be irenic and provoke thought, and to present an admittedly “right of center” take on several pressing matters, but not to ignite factional fighting among brothers in the PCA.
- There are, and always have been, only four of us involved in the planning of the event (plus one yeoman ruling elder helping with logistics). Those four men are myself, Geoff Gleason, Mel Duncan, and Richard Phillips. If anyone has any questions about the meeting, you can direct your questions to me, and I am sure the other brothers would be willing to answer them, as well.
What I am writing is my opinion; I am not speaking for the other organizers.
I invite all who are interested to come, hear, and pray. You are sincerely welcome.
Ken Pierce is a minister in the Presbyterian Church in America and is pastor of Trinity PCA in Jackson, Miss.