Compensation Policy
In order to gather the maximum amount of news and special articles for The Aquila Report, we are offering a form of compensation to writers in some categories. At this time, we are offering compensation for the following categories: News (including transitions stories) and Book Reviews
In categories such as Ministry Reports we offer the opportunity to include an advertising button to direct readers to the ministry web site with the hopes of finding a prayer partner and/or supporter.
In categories such as Events, the value of the submission is to encourage people to attend your event.
But for those stories that receive compensation, here is how it works.
- Our operations department will begin tracking your story on the day it first appears and determine the total of page views through the last day of each month (reductions will be made for multiple views from a single IP address (viewer).
- Early in the following month you will receive a report from our Operations Department including the total number of page views in the previous month, along with a voucher to use at the PCA CE/P bookstore to purchase books. This voucher will be in the form of an ID number to a gift card that can be used in making on-line purchases.
- Your story will continue to gather page views even after it goes to the ‘archive’ section of the Magazine (which means as long as The Aquila Report is in business).
- All vouchers will be for a full 1,000 page views, with a final amount above 750 rounded up for a full 1,000.
Currently we are compensating (with a few exceptions determined by our staff) at the rate of $1.00 per thousand page views. While this does not sound like much, it represents more than 10% of the gross ad revenue from each page view – demonstrating our commitment of the importance of getting as much news as possible.