The most notable change will be to have a ‘Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs’ to oversee all faculty departments, undergraduate and graduate…Dr. Brad Christie, who is currently serving as Interim Vice President and Dean of the College, will lend his assistance to this function while a search for someone to fill the position on a permanent basis is conducted.
Dr. David Norman, President of Erskine College/Seminary, sent an email to all faculty and staff on June 19 explaining some major administrative changes.
Dr. Norman began by explaining that in the past there had been separation of the administration of the two schools at most levels – Academic, Financial, Fiscal – but that now it appeared like the right time to make a change and combine each of these categories under one structure.
The most notable change will be to have a ‘Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs’ to oversee all faculty departments, undergraduate and graduate. The areas of student services and recruitment will fall under the management of this office as well.
Dr. Brad Christie, who is currently serving as Interim Vice President and Dean of the College, will lend his assistance to this function while a search for someone to fill the position on a permanent basis is conducted.
A second major administration position will be that of Senior Vice President for Finance and Operations. Mr. Greg Haselden will take on that position which will involve a more active role in overseeing the finances related to the seminary.
With the academic and finance/operations needs of the Seminary moved to these combined position, there will be a position as Administrative Dean of the Seminary to handle the matters that are unique to that school. Dr. Steve Lowe, who has served 18 months as Interim Vice President for the Seminary, has asked to return to teaching, so that new position needs to be filled.
During this transition, it was also important to achieve a balanced budget, and that brought the necessity of letting two staff personnel and one faculty member go – and they were given Dr. Norman’s sincere thanks and deep appreciation for their years of faithful service.
Two other significant changes were made. Dr. Robby Bell will no longer serve as Dean of the Seminary but will return to the classroom full-time. Dr. Max Rogland, who has been managing the seminary course schedule for the past few years will continue to assist in that capacity and will serve as Associate Dean for the Columbia campus.
Beginning July 1 all current staff director positions in the seminary will become Associate Director positions reporting to their respective institutional functions (i.e., Admissions, Financial Aid, Registrar, etc.).