Philadelphia Presbytery overtures 42nd GA to establish a study committee in order to clarify and define the general principles of biblical polity referenced in the third ordination vow (BCO 21-5, 3rd Vow), and their application to gender and the office of elder, and to evaluate whether or not the constitution should be amended….
At a meeting on February 27, 2014, the Philadelphia Presbytery of the Presbyterian Church in America approved sending an overture to the 42nd PCA General Assembly requesting that it establish a study committee to clarify and define the general principles of biblical polity referenced in the third ordination vow found in the Book of Church Order 21-5. An overture is a means by which a Presbytery can make a formal request to General Assembly to consider a matter.
The 42nd PCA General Assembly will meet from June 17-20 in Houston, Texas.
OVERTURE 22 from Philadelphia Presbytery
“Establish a Study Committee Regarding BCO 21-5, 3rd Ordination Vow” [emphasis added in the overture]
Whereas, the first ordination vow requires a candidate for ordination or transfer “to believe in the scriptures of the Old and New Testaments, as originally given, to be the inerrant Word of God, the only infallible rule of faith and practice” (BCO 21-5, 1st Vow); and
Whereas, the second ordination vow requires a candidate for ordination or transfer to “sincerely receive and adopt the Confession of Faith and the Catechisms of this church, as containing the system of doctrine taught in the Holy Scriptures; (BCO 21-5, 2nd Vow); and
Whereas, the third ordination vow requires a candidate for ordination or transfer to “approve of the form of government and discipline of the Presbyterian Church in America, in conformity with the general principles of biblical polity” (BCO 21-5, 3rd Vow); and
Whereas, our constitution does not clearly delineate or define “the general principles of biblical polity” or their relation to male only eldership; and
Whereas, some candidates for ordination or transfer may come forward who understand scripture to allow women to be ordained to the office of elder, contrary to BCO 7-2, but are willing to practice their ministry in accord with BCO 7-2, while not believing their view violates the general principles of biblical polity;
Therefore, be it resolved that Philadelphia Presbytery overtures 42nd GA to establish a study committee in order to clarify and define the general principles of biblical polity referenced in the third ordination vow (BCO 21-5, 3rd Vow), and their application to gender and the office of elder, and to evaluate whether or not the constitution should be amended and if necessary to recommend a constitutional process to that end. The study committee shall have an operating budget not to exceed $3,000.00
Adopted by the Philadelphia Presbytery at its Called Meeting, February 27, 2014
Attested by /s/ TE Gregory C. Hobaugh, stated clerk