The author not only gives Darwin credit for highlighting the problems with a “fixity of species,” he wants today’s scientists to question like Darwin. Jeanson argues that if they used this same scientific critical approach it would back today’s creationism and tear down today’s evolution.
How’s this for an intriguing thesis for a creationist book: Darwin got it right.
So what exactly is the “it” Darwin got right? Author Dr. Nathaniel Jeanson argues that in On the Origin of Species Darwin’s scientific argument/approach did successfully poke holes in creationism…but the 1859 version, which held that all the species were created exactly as they are, remaining unchanged.
This “fixity of the species” isn’t found in the Bible. God tells us He created “kinds” (Gen. 1:11, 21, 24, etc.) but why would we assume that has to mean species? We never see horses becoming deer, but we do see them becoming a whole host of different sorts of horses. So, might the “kinds” God created encompass larger groupings? We know, for example, that horses can breed with zebras. Might they belong together in the same “kind”? As Jeanson explains, this is how Noah could fit the animals on the ark: he didn’t have to take horses, zebras, and donkeys, but instead took a representative pair of horse kind, from which these threes species eventually descended. And the same for dogs, and cats, and more.