What if…you were dying under the wrath of God, and there was nothing before you but an eternity of misery! At such a moment as this, what could you put in the scale equal to the weight of your immortal soul?
What is the weight of a soul? Though it cannot be measured by scientific means, it does have a weight of a different kind. The only way to measure it is to attempt to balance it on a scale against all that the world deems significant. J.C. Philpot once explored this idea to our benefit. Below is what he wrote.
“Put your soul in one side of the scale, and put all that the world calls good and great in the other side. Think of everything that the heart of man can desire: riches, honor, pleasure, power. Heap it up well! Fill one side of the scale until there is no room for more. Put in all the gold of Australia, all the diamonds of India, all the delights of youthful love, all the pleasures of wife and home, of children and friends, of health and strength, of name and fame. Put in all that the natural mind of man deems the height of happiness, and everything that may weigh this side of the scale down.