The convening committee of the United Reformed Churches (URC) for Synod Redeemer 2020 met Tuesday, March 17th, to discuss the possibility of postponing Synod in light of the current global situation surrounding the corona virus outbreak. After prayerful consideration, and upon the approval of the convening consistory of Wellandport URC, we have come to the decision that the wisest course of action is to postpone Synod for one year. [The URC Synod was scheduled to meet at Redeemer University in Ontario, Canada, June 8-13, 2020.]
We have based our decision on the following grounds:
- The Church Order allows for it (Art. 28 – “The churches shall meet as a Synod at least once every three years.”)
- Postponing at this point will not incur significant financial cost.
- The current situation surrounding the corona virus outbreak has caused too many uncertainties (travel, health and safety, etc.)
If anyone has already registered, you will be reimbursed for dues paid. We hope to provide an update once new dates have been established.
On behalf of the Convening Consistory of Wellandport URC
Dan Wassenaar, Clerk