The Committee on Arrangements made its final report. Budgets for GA purposes were approved and a resolution of thanks to St. Mary’s College was adopted. The assembly was dissolved by the moderator, who called for the 81st General Assembly to meet at Kuyper College in Grand Rapids, Michigan from June 4–10, 2014.
There were two overtures considered by the assembly.
Overture 1, from the Presbytery of Connecticut and Southern New York asked the 80th General Assembly to amend the Form of Government 21.4 (“Licensing Candidates to Preach the Gospel”) to define the three references to theology in this section to say the Confession of Faith and Catechisms of The Orthodox Presbyterian Church. The result would be to clearly differentiate this exam from the theology exam required for ordination by clearly stating what would be covered. The Advisory Committee recommended that this overture not be adopted, because it would not do what it proposed and it could limit the range of questions that could be asked in determining candidates’ qualifications for licensure. Overture 1 was referred to the Committee on Christian Education to report any recommendations to the 81st GA.
Overture 2, from the Presbytery of the Dakotas, asked the OPC General Assembly to communicate concerns to a PCA presbytery about the view of one of its ministers. The overture was answered in the negative.
The Committee on Chaplains and Military Personnel
The Rev. Robert Needham presented the work of this committee which has oversight of OPC ministers who serve as chaplains. Congregations are encouraged to sponsor individual chaplains. Mr. Needham noted that chaplains continue to have the freedom to pray in the name of Jesus—although he acknowledged that there may be an occasional officer who brings pressure not to do so.
Report of the Historian
Mr. John Muether reported on his work as the OPC’s Historian.
The Committee on Arrangements made its final report. Budgets for GA purposes were approved and a resolution of thanks to St. Mary’s College was adopted. The assembly was dissolved by the moderator, who called for the 81st General Assembly to meet at Kuyper College in Grand Rapids, Michigan from June 4–10, 2014.